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Funded places

We provide funded places throughout our age range 2-4 years. We also offer paid-for places where families do not qualify for funding and extra hours can also be paid for on top of funded hours to boost a child's time at Nursery at a cost of £5.00 per hour. What is available can be a little confusing, so we will try and set it out as clearly as we can below - if you're in any doubt, just give us a call on 01229 833120...


2 year olds qualify for 15 hours funding depending on family circumstances* or parents can pay for a place.

All 3-4 year olds qualify for 15 hours Nursery education. Depending on family circumstances* some children may qualify for 30 hours funding.

For 15 hour places, children tend to come for 5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions, as we find this "little and often" approach is best for children to get into a routine and has the greatest benefit to their learning.

For 30 hour places, we try to offer these as flexibly as we can for working families where there is availability.

* To find out if your family circumstances make you eligible to receive a funded place you need to visit

If you have difficulty accessing the site or need guidance about a place application, please call nursery, where we will be glad to help you.


Guidance about tax free childcare